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Multiplier event: open seminar

Multiplier event: open seminar
On the 17th of February 2022 Gemma París will deliver a speech titled "INTERSTICE: encontres entre artistes, infants i educadores", in a seminar which is open for students of Education Sciences. The event will be held at the Faculty of Education Sciences and Sport Blanquerna of the Universitat Ramon Llull (Blanquerna), in Barcelona.

The artist and co-IP of the project will explore the links and contaminations between art and education, which allow the co-creation of peer learning. She will present the Espai C, as a pioneer project that constitutes of the starting points for the original idea of INTERSTICE project. The main goals of the INTERSTICE projects will be made known, and some preliminary results and advancements of the intellectual outputs will be discussed.


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